Thankful Thursday: Friends (Day 4)

As those of you who follow me on Facebook know, I am on a mission to have 25 days of Thankfulness and 25 days of Giving. Last year I did this and it had an amazing impact on my life. I am challenging myself to think outside the box and do more this year.

To me giving is not only about money, but about truly giving. I am looking for ways, including financial to impact other's lives. I have encouraged some middle schoolers in our youth group (GP THE best youth group evvva!) to think about this. One young lady said she sees a homeless man EVERY DAY walking home from school. The kids make fun of him and either say rude things or ignore him. She walks on the other side of the street, NEVER looking at him...laughing at times when the kids crack jokes at his expense. She knew it was wrong, but didn't know what she should do. This is what my amazing preteens came up with.

1. Smile at him. That's all, acknowledge he is there! He is worthy of eye contact and a smile. Hmm...seems simple, eh? How many of us ignore these people? Just food for thought.

2. Pray for him. Just a silent prayer. No eye contact needed. In your head and heart whisper a prayer. So easy, but so powerful!

3. Pack a brown bag with water bottle and snack foods. Just give it him and keep on walking. Maybe a nice note letting him know he has worth and God loves him.

4. When kids are mean, stand up for what is right. Don't take part in it. Tell them this is not right. If they make fun of you or keep doing it, maybe you need to evaluate your friends.

Good answers eh? Pretty smart kids if you ask me.

This got me thinking about what I am thankful for today. I must say God has blessed me with some wonderful friends. I still have friends from when I was a tiny "bully" (Deb no stories please). Friends from Jr High when I was trying to figure out who I was and what I stood for (not to mention how to wear that lovely blue eye shadow). Friends from High School (when I learned I really, I mean really liked guys...right Debbie). Friends from when I joined the work force. Roommates who you can have lunch with and it is like time never passed. I am blessed.

Friends who don't keep track of how many times they helped you so you don't owe them. I am talking true friendships without strings. Even the dreaded "iron sharpening iron" friends. Those who challenge you to be your best. Who push you to make better choices. Friends who forgive you when you mess up. Ones who give you a hand up and a shoulder to cry on. Then even help fix that smeared make up (when will I learn I need water proof mascara?).

On this Thankful Day #4 I have to say I am thankful, more than words can express, to all my friends. You know who you are. The ones who have seen me roll out of bed without make up and hair done and not run from the room screaming. Those stuck with me on a trip when I am hungry and tired and not smacked me. I love you all and thank God for you every day!

"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work; If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!" Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 NIV


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